So, we were grocery shopping this morning and we are in the dairy isle and JD says, "mom can we pllllleaasse get some donuts, you never buy me donuts, and all i ever want is donuts can we pleeease get some?" At that moment people are looking and snickering under their breath and I can feel eyes upon me.
This of course is followed by a drive home from Jessi's a few weeks ago where I was asking JD about his day and playing outside and he says to me, "mom, your the best mom ever, I love you so much................... oh, no mom, your the meanest because you never get me donuts." I couldn't stop laughing, under my breath of course and also thinking if that is the meanest I can get especially through his adolescent life, I will be thrilled!
Needless to say I bought them Donuts......... Krispee Creme (sp?) and here are their happy little faces:)