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Monday, August 23, 2010

2010 Family Olympics!

Katie and Andrew hosted our 2nd annual "Family Olympics," it was another year full of "funness" as JD says. This year there were many of the same games, plus new games for both adults and the chillins. Along with all of the fun, we were at the farm which is where my brothers family is now, I can just imagine how Gram would have been loving seeing all of us there and having so much fun.

Among the adults, Kurt (Katie's brother) once again beat us all, (I think he and his wife, Amanda) practice hoola hooping and limbo in the middle of the night. hehe! As their niece Abby, 6 says, "Uncle Kurt is the, mambo king"..... too cute. Thanks again Kate and Andrew, it was lots of fun!

Here are all of the little people and lots of yummy food.
sweet baby Joanis
Here are the kids in a sac race

Here are the men,....... boys in the sac race
This pix makes me laugh out loud. From left to right, Kurt, Andrew, and Adam (brother in law)
wheel barrow race.......... anymore kids??
once again Kurt in the lead....even 3 kids deep
hoola, hoola, hooping
the Mercer girls "hoolaing" Congrats to Katie and Andrew, baby # 4 on the way, Katies youngest sister Teresa is expecting and Katies brother, Kurt and Amanda are expecting all within 3 months.......... more babies, so much fun!
the boys turn

spectators :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tigers vs Indians......... Ouch!

We drove up to see the Websters for a quick visit and to catch a baseball game, great to see them!

When we were there we couldn't just sit an watch baseball, we had to get the best nachos at any stadium......... I think so at least, ride a carousel ride and the ferris wheel (you ride in baseball cars:)

Come on now, "everyone look at the camera"
JD & Bean were enjoying Miss Calleigh
Here is Ella trying to feed Calleigh, check out Calleigh's face, do you think she is impressed??

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day at the beach before the cousins go back to school!

Here is Gus, Zoey and JD
Gus and Zoey trying to get JD to smile, so crazy mom will turn off the camera.Big smiles, JD, Ella and CC.
Mimi playing in the sand with the 3 youngest

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rupp Reunion.......... so much fun!!

What a great Rupp family reunion, thanks Mary Beth and Bruce for hosting the family with fabulous food, fun and activities. This is a pix of the group of us headed to NYC for the day on our private tour bus..... so much fun. As you can see we are all wearing T-shirts that Mary made us...... Rick was especially excited about wearing his T-shirt:)

Everyone waiting for the bus to arrive.
Uncle James and Bo
Uncle James, Tyler, Ben, Tiffany, Zander, and Deb
Zoey and Bean
Daddy and Ella in Central Park
This guy played a song for Ella and JD got to help out on the bow......... he also did crazy tricks with his eyes:)
Statue of Liberty in Central Park???
A view of the real "Statue of Liberty" from Battery Park
Us:) at time square.......... we missed the "naked cowboy show"

JD @ FAO Schwartz
Chillins in Central Park

Our trip out was fantastic. Rick had looked for 2 places to stop on the way out to break up the drive for the kids. Our first stop was in Vienna, OH (northeast OH) @ this place called "Wild Wagon Animal Park." It was like a small African safari in Northeast OH. They had a small petting zoo which wasn't too much to write home about, but when you get on tour of the 60 acre farm in this altered hummer with bench's and an open area where your feet to hang out thats when it got fun. The elk and bison can reach in and sometimes they get will lick your toes while they are trying to reach their grain:)

JD is feeding the largest ostrich on their farm, he weighs between 400-450 lbs
JD, is feeding an albino elk
I am feeding a bison here
Yes that is a camel, behind JD's head
Mimi observing
Female elk here, notice no top teeth, same as lama's and camel's

some sort of asian carp I believe??
the camels were soo friendly