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Monday, October 25, 2010

Another funny......

JD: Excuse me mom & dad
Us: Yes JD,
JD: When i use my manors and say, "excuse me" when you are talking to other people, will you please answer me quicker??
Us: JD, don't we answer you rather quick??
JD: Well,........ When you don't answer me quick enough....... i forget what I want to ask you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A JD funny..........

So, JD says to me the other day, "mom come outside, I have to show you something" he takes me outside to show me a dead bird in the yard, I then asked him if he thought Kitty had ten the bird, he said, "no, I think Uncle Phillip's cat, Snowball killed it." I then asked him if he thought that Uncle Phillip's cat came all the way from Goshen to kill a bird? he says, "yes, ....... he must have had GPS!"