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Monday, July 28, 2008

Rupp Family Weekend! What fun!

Rupp family.
Crazy Teitsma family! (Rick's sisters family)
JD at his first Indians game, he loved and wants to do it again.
Zoey, Sierria, Gus, JD, Isa
Zoey and JD eating ice cream, what could be better.
Ella bean is now 3 months old how time flies.
Ella had many firsts this weekend, ......... camping, bathing suit and her first Indians game.
JD had so much fun throwing this ball on top of the awning, the cheapest entertainment.
JD and daddy swimming, he loved going under water and getting his head wet.
JD, Zoey and mommy at the beach, he loved swinging, oop's we are losing his trunks!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Jenn, Loved the pictures!! Such good family memories. JD your to cute and Ella can't wait to spoil you.=) Good post.