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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Try to catch everyone up!

We finally got sand in our sand box, the kids haven't played in it as much as I thought they might, (I think part of it is that every time Ella is in there she tries eating sand by the spoon full, I tell her thats "yucky" but she must not agree)

she loves the swing set....
just being cheezy
and already driving :(
making chocolate chip cookies :)
We all headed back to Columbus for the Memorial tournament and made a trip to the Columbus zoo, this guy was probably 2 ft away and almost asleep, too cool.  I had a horrible glare from the glass between the two of us.
 Joey, JD and Ella

Ella with 2 little kids that were so happy to pose with her for a picture:)
JD climbing on ............ some sort of fish

This was Memorial Day weekend, spent time at the lake with friends and then went for a bike ride on the pumpkin vine trail

this was just before Ella's tubes were put in about a month ago, she's doing pretty good, we have had 1 ear infection since then but the tubes did what they were supposed to, the Dr told us that we just need to try to keep her as well we can.

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